
Early Saturday

Another 7:15 early morning, despite it being Saturday, thanks to neighbors making (slight) noise and my hips/knees waking up sore again. I imagine in about three months, the idea of being able to even get 8 hours of sleep a night will be astronomically farfetched.... At least at the moment I have beautiful early sunshine, and a cup of decaf coffee with extra cream. It was the last bit of decaf in the tin, and I've debated not replacing it, having heard rumours of the nasty things they do to coffee to make it decaf. 

Then again, it makes my life so much better. Tea is still good, but there's something about padding out to the kitchen and making a steaming cup of fresh French press coffee that makes me feel special. Even if it is just decaf, and a generic store brand. A far cry from the Blue Mountain or Ethiopian blends that we bought last year in little paper bags, then ground by hand and carefully tasted, wondering if we'd ever become coffee connoisseurs.... We did not, for the record, but we did learn to tell the difference between some of the blends. When I make coffee for myself, I still use the French press; when I make D's, I tend to put it in the coffee machine and flip the switch - it's still warm, then, by the time he gets around to it. And the big machine is more practical when three or more guests want coffee. For me, though, one medium cup of decaf, in the sunshine, with extra creamer and sugar... it's hard to beat. 

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